Computers are powerful educational tools. Research has shown that computers give excellent support to young children’s development and learning. Logical thinking and problem solving is the basis of future learning and encourages the development of early academic skills.

The software library that Computer Gym uses is educationally sound and presents foundation concepts and basic skills in a game-like format. This is especially useful for those children needing extra help in these areas. The animations, exciting graphics and sound effects all provide an enticing learning environment.

Computers also provide self-directed learning. The children are able to learn and progress at their own pace, being guided by our experienced Computer Gym teachers. The skills that have been previously introduced are reinforced and extended. New skills are continually being presented and developed.

This coming term we will be encouraging independent exploration and decision making, as well as logical thinking and more complex observational activities. We’ll be exploring a range of adventure based games and building skills with music and maths activities. See the list at the right for a more comprehensive list of this term’s programme.